Thursday, November 17, 2016

Bee Facts🐝

What do bees eat?


What do bees live in? 
Bee hives and trees.

How can we help bees?
Plant bee friendly flowers in your 
garden, buy local, raw honey.

How do bees communicate?
Bees communicate with the waggle 
dance talk.

What special job do bees have?
Make honey, feed their queen 
and help us survive!

What does pollinate mean?
The transfer of pollen from 
another to the stigma.

Why are bees important?
They pollinate our fruit and 
almonds. They help us breathe.
Some 84% of the crops grown
need bees to pollinate them!

Bee Facts🐝
- a honey bee 
visits 50-100 flowers during
a collection trip.

- the worker bee and the queen bee are both female bees.

- a colony of bees consists of 20,000-60,000 honey bees
and one queen.

- honey bees have been around for more than 30,000

- there are approximately 20,00 types of bees in the world!

- a bee's brain is oval in shape and only about the size of a sesame

- The queen bee can live up to 5 years and is the only bee that lays up to 2500 eggs per day.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

The hailstorm


On the day of HALLOWEEN there was  a HAILSTORM [dun dun dun]! It felt cold, like you were in the freezer! I heard thunder rolling and I saw a car go boom into a giant rock! I felt like it was the end of me [NOOO]! I shivered when I felt the wind go through my hair! Everyone went CRAZY!

                                      By Louise   

Monday, June 13, 2016

Science Experimeant

                                Science Experiment

                            What we do want to learn?

 1. Hypothesis
  Salt will make ice melt faster

2. Materials
Plastic Cup
3. Method
Get one cup and put ice in it.  Get another cup and put salt and ice in it. Wait and see which one melts faster!

4. Result
The cup with salt and ice in it 
melted faster then the cup with ice in it.

5. Conclusion 
Salt makes ice melt faster!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

My holiday experience

The worst thing about my holiday was 
when my brother cried, because 
he nearly deafened me.

The yummiest thing about my holiday was 
eating spaghetti because it is my 
favourite food!

The scariest thing about my holiday was 
when I went on

a haunted house ride
because it was super scary!

The most enjoyable thing was 
going to Disney land because it 
was super exciting!

Next holiday I would most like to 
go to Paris and have sleepovers!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

The lantern

It was a beautiful and quiet day when we released the lantern.

The lantern glided sweetly upwards taking with it our wishes and hopes .

My wish is to be a horse rider .